Wild animals in the region of Prizren

February 17, 2020 admin

It is often the case that villagers in the vicinity of the Prizren region complain about the presence of wildlife in residential areas and near elementary schools.

The problem here lies not with wildlife per se, but with society, the residents and most of all the Prizren Region’s Municipalities which never take any measure to create appropriate solutions for the inhabitants of these villages, 1. To provide travel and transportation for children/pupils traveling to school every day, 2. To warn/educate citizens not to feed wildlife in any case, 2. To stop hunting because in the absence of food in the mountains, wild animals might come to the villages to get food from garbage spots near schools and homes.

Municipalities in the Prizren Region are constantly failing to do their job and protecting their citizens, not protecting them from wildlife, but from their own irresponsible actions towards wild animals and the environment; and most importantly, they are failing in providing its own services to the citizens of their respective municipalities.

The presence of wildlife in the country is a very positive sign – but in a country where there is no investment in education and awareness raising for society, people themselves suffer, and even more, our wild animals.


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