Urgent request for preventive and punitive measures against organizers of dog fights matches

January 15, 2019 admin

By: Animal Rights Foundation, United for Animals and Kosovo Pet Rescue
Subject: Urgent request for preventive and punitive measures against organizers of dog fights matches;
To: The Government of the Republic of Kosovo and the Mayors of all the Municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo.

Through this letter, we, the organizations below mentioned, with the mission in protecting animal rights in Kosovo, present our remarks and urgent requests for the implementation of preventive and punitive measures of any kind of organization aimed at the abuse of dogs through violent dog matches conflicts between them.

The opinions and recommendations presented in this document, derive from our professional experience in the field of protection and promotion of animal rights, and are based on the legislation in force, namely:

– Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo;
– Penal and Civil Code of the Republic of Kosovo;
– Law no. 02 / L-10 For caring for animals;
– Administrative Instruction no. 25/2008 on the reproduction of animals

Witnessing that in Kosovo, a large number of individuals organize violent dog fights between the dogs and organizing bets that reach large amounts of money for the “winner” (the owner of the dog who wins the match), we appeal to the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, in addition, with an emphasis, to all the Municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo, to undertake strict and immediate measures to prevent the abuse of dogs that are happening, by putting them in fights and competition with one another.

For regulating this aspect, Kosovo has a legal infrastructure that prohibits the organization of any kind of competitions where the power of the animal is tested and which can result in pain, injury or death. We are deeply disappointed by the “institutional silence” over this barbaric phenomenon that is often organized by dog ​​companions/owners (i.e. exactly those individuals who have the duty to provide the physical and psychological well-being of the pet they have).

From different singe case reporting and publications on social networks, it is seen that these illegal activities are published by almost all persons on various Facebook and Instagram pages, often documented (filmed, photographed) in details. Thus, the identification of these abusers, or so-called competitors, could be easily done.

Given the fact that we are constantly cooperating actively and professionally with the responsible public and private institutions to try and ensure that all abusive and illegal acts in Kosovo are identified, prevented, presented to police and/or to justice authorities, we strongly suggest that all Municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo should undertake the following steps:

  1. To issue an official ordinance or decision to the respective executive bodies, namely to the Kosovo Police and the Directorate of Public Services in each municipality, containing strict warning and prohibition of any kind of dog fight matches.
  2. To identify the persons/abusers as perpetrators of such outlawed acts and do a continuous monitoring of their activities.
  3. To apply the punishment measures foreseen by the legislation in force, by the municipal inspectors and veterinarians of the Food and Veterinary Agency of the Republic of Kosovo.
  4. To identify all unregistered breeders for the sale of dogs for dog fight matches;

We hope for a positive response to this appeal and concrete measures from your side, because if we keep silent on these aforementioned phenomena, which have a growth trend (according to our monitoring), then we risk eradicating these phenomena with great resistance or with total failure.

Violence, of any kind, poses a risk of escalating opportunities for us and for future generations of this country.
As always, we stand at your disposal to provide our expertise and support in the field of protection and promotion of animal rights!

We are looking forward to receiving a response and thank you in advance!

Animal Rights Foundation
United for Animals – UFA
Kosova Pet Rescue