Unresolved stray dog situation

February 22, 2020 admin

While the institutions blame each-other, the problem of stray dogs still remains unsolved.

Many CNVR projects (collect, neuter, vaccinate, release) initiated by both municipalities and the KFVA, were followed by violations and unprofessional work and almost non-existent monitoring by institutions. Normally, then, us ordinary citizen, and especially poor animals, suffer the consequences of this negligence.

During many CNVR projects, after treatment, dogs had to be returned to the territory where they were taken. This, unfortunately, has not happened many times. As a result, we have confused, stressed and frightened animals on the streets because they are released into a territory completely unknown to them. It is quite normal that in these conditions then there are also incidents: dogs attacking each other in defense of territory and food, dogs that threaten safety and public health. All this because both central and local institutions have overlooked the condition of stray dogs and have never attempted long-term solutions.

Citizens of Kosovo still have nowhere to turn for any problems or complaints regarding stray dogs, but also animals in general. Apart from the good-hearted people and the activists who are fighting for these living creatures with their own capacities, the help of the state still remains out of reach for this vulnerable category of our community.

Our Foundation has reported many violations of CNVR projects and calls on relevant institutions to ensure that these violations and abuses of public funds are not repeated and violators are punished in accordance with the law.

Our Foundation calls on the KFVA and central government to take the stray dog ​​issue seriously in order to make a long-term solution for these creatures based on applicable laws.