Threat towards vets and our team

June 15, 2020 admin

Yesterday, the husband of the veterinarian: Adelina Rexhepi, threatened a veterinarian who saved the bitch in the photo below.

Adelina Rexhepi is an abusive and unprofessional veterinarian, who, with her full awareness, by lying to us that she has conducted various trainings outside Kosovo for the treatment of small animals, has done unprofessional and not at all humane work. Neither she nor her team know the basics of treating dogs (nor have they used the right materials for wound stitching), much less treat them with surgery, such as castration and sterilisation. Her team has put undissolved threads on the wounds of poor dogs. She and her team knew for sure that dogs released with those stitches will not survive on the road. That is to say, in order to get rich, she has put the lives of the dogs in danger and is obviously cheating on this project.

Following our complaints, the KFVA suspended her work until June 21, 2020.

Every time we visited Adelina Rexhepi we found dogs with swollen wounds, bread on the ground or pizzas submerged in water, and she also did not check the release of the dogs at all. Many dogs have been taken to Fushë Kosovë / Kosovo Polje or even to the surrounding villages, who have never returned to their country of origin.

The puppy in the photo below was found by a well-hearted activist, who held it until we wrote to take it. We sent the dog to the veterinarian Shaban Mehmeti in Drenas, who did his job properly, re-treating the bitch and removing the undissolved threads and repairing the terrible work of Adelina Rexhepi.

After that, veterinarian Shaban Mehmeti received a phone call from Adelina Rexhepi’s husband, who threatened Mr. Mehmeti for the intervention he performed.

This threatening case has been reported to the police, and we will also take other legal measures for the abusive work of Adelina Rexhepi.

There will not be even 1% tolerance for abusive work, especially threats to activists and other people committed to animal welfare. For any violation, anyone will be held accountable before the law.

We will not stop with our work to ensure the increase of animal welfare, and also to ensure the proper use of public funds.



© Animal Rights Foundation
Prishtina, June 15th, 2020