The source of stray dogs

June 1, 2018 admin

Below you will find the presentation on “the origin of stray dogs and how to improve their life on the streets”, which was held in Termokiss, on February 24th.

The key messages, which were intended to be transmitted today, were:

“From stray dogs to community dogs” – an approach which Termokiss has proven to be working quite well!

In addition, the other message was: “If we cannot help dogs, then do not harm them!”

We thank Ryann Qavdarbasha for presenting today!

In these links on Youtube, you can see two extremely informative videos (made by the Swiss StrayCoco Foundation) in addition to today’s presentation on the stray dog situation in Kosovo.



As an outcome of today’s meeting, various volunteers who want to work for the general good have announced their commitment to organize and make such presentations and informative sessions also in elementary schools in Pristina (initially).

Soon this initiative will be organized and further details will be given to all interested.

Anyone who is interested to become a volunteer for the “school education” activity, please contact us and feel free to contribute on the organisation and implementation of the activity!

Thanks again to Termokiss and all the supporters!