The poaching in Kosovo is endangering the wildlife

December 31, 2018 admin

We thank ‘Kallxo’ for this article and for raising this very important topic!

It’s disapointing to analyze the reactions of:

1. the Responsible of the ‘hunting groups’ and ‘hunting institutes’ in Kosovo; who, for sure know approx. 75% of all illegal hunters and do not report them to the police; some of those responsible have also set up a trap camera to identify the wildlife; or maybe for poaching!?
2. Competent authorities continuously blame other institutions for this. Kosovo Police (I’m not surprised, because they do not do their job properly, in regard to the problems that affect people, let’s not talk about animals) does not take any responsibility to persecute and investigate these cases.
3. The Public Institutions of the National Parks in Kosovo, never come up with an awareness program for citizens and schools; we think that the leaders of these institutions allow these illegal hunting.

We have reported for ‘Kallxo’ by saying:

“Illegal hunting, besides that greatly damages the well-being of animals that are unjustly killed for no-sense purposes, damages the ecosystem as well and can only be regulated if this wildlife has their own place and number. Those who destroy this ecosystem should be punished, which is very easy because social media networks are filled with people who proudly show themselves killing a bear, a deer or a wild boar.”

Gjuetia ilegale po rrezikon faunën e Kosovës