Suspicions of veterinary abuse on stray dogs

May 22, 2020 admin

Our organization suspects (by facts) on veterinary medical abuse that is being done to stray dogs throughout the state project for castration and sterilization in Kosovo.

As soon as the project of managing and controlling stray dogs started through the CNVR method (catch, neuter/spay, vaccinate, release), our organization, with the long-awaited consent of KFVA (Kosovo Food and Veterinary Agency) to monitor the work on this project, immediately started visiting the centers of temporary treatment of the veterinary subjects contracted for this project.

Our organization, with maximum commitment, strives to ensure the smooth running of this project, requiring maximum professional commitment from veterinarians, so that through this project, human capture, professional sterilization / castration is provided (by veterinarians with extensive experience with small animals) , professional attitude (staff and veterinarians who constantly care for dogs in the center) and to do the proper release of the dogs, so that our community dogs can return safely to the place where they were taken. This is not happening in all the centers and many veterinarians who are part of the project, cannot prove that they work with small animals, such as dogs, in their daily work as veterinarians.

We are quite concerned about the poor dogs, who disappear, (probably died) often never return to the place where they were taken and amateur veterinarians (not all), only get rich with the suffering of dogs by also wasting public money for nothing, but misery.

If only one dog would suffers from unprofessional work by at least one veterinarian contracted, – his / her work should be stopped immediately. If the responsible institutions protect the poor, unprofessional neglected work of only a few vets, tarnishing the profession and professional integrity of veterinary medicine in Kosovo, we do not protect them, and we constantly raise our voices to solve these problems once and for all. We will not get tired; we will be here. We protect the lives of dogs, who deserve dignified treatment, to the maximum.

So far, our organization has made 37 visits to the winning veterinary entities throughout Kosovo, for which, in detail, it will be shown in a separate post.

In 15 visits (9 temporary treatment centers), we were not satisfied at all, because the professional veterinary work, was seen not to be at the right level (for the surgical treatment of small animals). Below, you have some photos as evidence of what we are saying.

If the KFVA does not take appropriate measures against veterinarians who: deliberately neglect the fact that they do not do a good job of spay/neuter; those who are consciously not constantly present at the center (or someone from the staff) to monitor the health of dogs, cleanliness and nutrition; do the catch and the release of dogs in other territories from where they were caught, – we will undertake the adequate legal actions (Article 343 – Giving veterinary assistance unconsciously, and Article 346 – Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo: https:/ and media.

Dogs should not be a tool for experimentation by veterinarians, but it should be understood that they are sentient creatures that want to live quietly on the street, in the place where they are caught (the case in Mitrovica, Pristina), or worse, catching mother dogs, leaving her puppies to die of starvation (cases in Peja, Gjilan).

Furthermore, we have evidence that dogs, which activists feed in Pristina and some other municipalities that were sterilized / castrated already in 2018, 2019 – have been taken again by the ‘dog catching teams’ for the Pristina region (potential entities: Prishtina region, Komoran, Drenas). We will see at the end of the project how dogs that were treated last year, will be reported. 

Any abusive case, whether medical or professional, or in the treatment of the animal in captivity, release – will be submitted as a criminal complaint to the prosecution.

We thank the professional veterinarians for their wonderful work, so far.