Statement on the decision of the KFVA to stop the activity of the shelter for stray animals ‘Katër Putrat’ in Lipjan

June 6, 2020 admin

Our organization was informed yesterday about the decision of the KFVA for the termination of the activity of the shelter ‘Katër Putrat’ in Lipjan, which is managed by Mrs. Flora Bujupi.

Prior to this decision, our organization held a meeting with KFVA officials after the concerns raised by activists regarding the visit of KFVA inspectors to the ‘Katër Putrat’ center, where it was said on Facebook that KFVA inspectors have said they will euthanize Flora Bujupi’s shelter dogs.

In this meeting, we saw the official report of the visit, which was also signed by Mrs. Bujupi. Nowhere in this report was it stated that the dogs in the shelter would be euthanized – but that they would be treated according to the legislation in force, which means, based on Administrative Instruction 04/2017 – for temporary treatment centers for stray animals.

Although our organization has no doubts at all about the good and humane purpose of Mrs. Bujupi and those who have stray animal shelters – it is a fact that all shelters in Kosovo must adhere to the administrative instruction for temporary treatment centers for stray animals, in terms of their treatment – means to be treated with castration / sterilization and vaccination or with other vaccines necessary for stray animals housed in those shelters.

Unfortunately, the center managed by Mrs. Bujupi (and many others) does not meet the requirements for a real animal shelter, due to the large number of dogs in almost all shelters, the easy spread of viruses (which in many cases dozens of puppies have died, as a result of the rapid spread of deadly viruses in these shelters (which has been confirmed by the shelter managers themselves and by trusted activists), the non-registration of dogs in a database with photos and health history of dogs, lack of adoption campaigns in order not to overcrowd the shelter, lack of a financial sustainability that guarantees medical-veterinary treatment and proper nutrition for the shelter dogs).

Our organization has offered assistance to Mrs. Bujupi several times, in formalizing and structuring her work in the shelter, but never received a positive response from her, because in every visit we had, she told us that ‘very soon’ she will close the shelter because it is tedious work to be done by only one person.

Members of the organization, several times have visited Mrs. Bujupi, and have seen the conditions in this shelter. We do not accuse Ms. Bujupi and we do not doubt at all her good intentions, therefore we (or anyone who has knowledge of how a shelter should work) want to help her. We hope that Flora Bujupi will accept our help for a more sustainable and guaranteed work for the dogs she collects. The rights and welfare of animals are not protected only with good intentions, but also with progressive actions of the work of shelters in Kosovo.

Our organization will stand by all those who currently have shelters, and turn their activity into a genuine, transparent job, accounting for every dog ​​that enters and leaves their shelter.

We also suggested during yesterday’s meeting with the KFVA that the shelters are not closed immediately and completely, because at this stage the lives of dogs which still need shelter are endangered – by the fact that they have been raised in shelters – but to communicate with shelters that their work should be more structured on a professional and accountable level, because we are dealing with community dogs.

The work of many shelters has certainly been motivated by good will and compassion for dogs – but compassion alone is not enough to protect them comprehensively.

If we all as a community of animal rights (or just stray animals) do not show seriousness and genuine work in terms of dogs or other animals, then the responsible institutions will not even deal with our complaints against abuse from dog owners or veterinarians who abuse by not exercising their veterinary profession properly.

Let us help you make your work as a shelter stable, transparent and professional – because dogs deserve more. If you have had the opportunity to do so until today, this is the time when we can grow even more together.

Save non-essential comments because even if we opened 10 such shelters, dogs and stray cats still suffer in every form on the road – even in some cases in shelters where they see nothing but the space where they live – even without having been treated against various diseases.
The main reason why shelters do not work properly is:

  1. from the bad management of shelters by the managers of these shelters
  2. from the low consciousness of society to help such shelters and
  3. from the lack of institutional support for many years in this regard.

Untreated dogs (without castration and sterilization) will be treated by any veterinarian that Ms. Bujupi prefers (as the KFVA told us) and will not be obliged by the KFVA for any particular veterinarian – where Ms. Bujupi herself contacts her preferred veterinarians for the treatment of dogs.

After treatment, if analyzed together with Mrs. Bujupi that some dogs can be released on the street, they should be released on the street (as Prishtina Dog Shelter is practicing and which has been positive in some cases) and dogs that need care, get the necessary care and to work seriously in the adoption campaign for them. Shelters all over the world have programs and campaigns that promote the adoption of dogs and cats – so our shelters must act the same – it makes no sense to collect dogs constantly, not to have a real place for them or to meet their needs nd where they are not guaranteed any basic vaccine because of shelter’s lack of funds.

We are assisting one of the shelters with registration as an NGO – where its work will be in their statute and where everything will be registered and formalized to carry out their work properly in temporary housing and adoption of animals.