Rules for the legal transport of companion animals

March 11, 2020 admin

We have received direct information from individuals who have attempted to adopt animals and take them to the EU, that at the entrance of their country of destination, their companion animal were detained at the border because of irregular and illegal documentation signed and sealed by some veterinarians in Kosovo. Some animals are even euthanized because of this professional negligence of some veterinarians. This should not be allowed because: 1. Healthy animals are suffering severely and 2. It damages the reputation of all veterinarians in Kosovo.

Considering these negative cases, and to avoid and prevent criminal offenses or other procedural violations by veterinarians on the export of companion animals to the EU, we are sharing with you some important points regarding the procedure for legal companion animal export in the EU.

  • Microchip placement
  • Rabies vaccination
  • Wait at least one month after the rabies vaccination, then do blood tests in one of the EU-accepted laboratories (Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro).…/animals/pet-movement/approved-labs_en
  • If blood tests are OK, the dog or cat must wait at least 3 months before leaving for the EU.
  • Animals must be at least 7 months old before traveling to the EU. Because it is known that the rabies vaccine is given no earlier than 3 months of age of the animal.
  • Prior to departure / export, the form must be completed, which can be found here:…/eu-legislat…/non-commercial-non-eu_en
  • 10 days before departure for the EU, dogs or cats should be treated with echinococcus.
  • Everything must be signed by the KVFA.
  • Traveling by plane to Switzerland or even some EU countries is done through a special permit to enter the country (details can be found at the link above). By car, this permit is not needed.
  • Companion animals that do not travel with their holders (owners) must have special travel authorization.