For Animals

For Animals.

Dear readers, animal lovers, partners and friends,

It is our pleasure to present to you the Animal Rights Foundation (in short: For Animals), which was established in April 2018, with the aim of improving animal welfare, focusing on the legislative aspects of protecting and promoting it. animal rights.

For Animals will contribute to the legal and policy aspects of improving animal welfare in Kosovo and also improving human-animal relations.

The organization will be committed to all animals, whether they are stray, domestic, farm, experimental, sport or wildlife.
We will focus on our legal commitment by exposing the proper implementation of current legislation and providing concrete suggestions for its improvement in order to lay firm foundations for more animal-friendly, ethical and biocentric regulations and laws and their consistent enforcement.

In addition, of course, we will also strive to raise public / society awareness in the area of ​​animal rights and welfare. The main focus on this point would be our contribution to the education or capacity building of animal parents, relevant institutions for their protection, other NGOs and advocates – about the importance of applying legislation and good practices that guarantee genuine animal welfare and dignified respect for animals (something that does not yet exist in Kosovo in a systematic and institutional way).

We are a new organization, however we have managed to build good relationships with very serious organizations working for Kosovo that deal with animal protection for a long time. One of our most important partners, who guided us through professional steps and advice, is the Swiss-based StrayCoco Foundation; The LAV (Lego Anti-Vivisezione) organization in Trentino – and the ATB – Associazione Trentino con i Balcani, which encouraged us to create an organization like this.

We are grateful to our partners and friends who have supported and still support us – making our work easier!

Thank you!

Animal Rights Foundation.


Animals are sentient beings. They are capable of suffering, feeling distress, affection and happiness. We have a collective responsibility to protect the not just our country’s animals, but world’s animals and ensure that they live good lives, free to live in their natural behaviors and without any kind of pain.

With our work, we try to contribute to a more serious institutional engagement to free all kind of non-human animals in Kosovo, from injustice, pain and death.

Our focus and priority will always be the rights and welfare of the animals we protect in Kosovo. Good animal welfare is also fundamental to a better world, to community well being, to food production and agricultural systems, to the environment, to public health, to a sustainable global economy and planet.

By legally helping the protection of animals, we can enhance livelihoods and guarantee a more just society in Kosovo.
In addition, of course, we will also strive to raise public / society awareness in the area of ​​animal rights and welfare. The main focus on this point would be our contribution to the education or capacity building of animal parents, relevant institutions for their protection, other NGOs and advocates – about the importance of applying legislation and good practices that guarantee genuine animal welfare and dignified respect for animals (something that does not yet exist in Kosovo in a systematic and institutional way).

We are a new organization, however we have managed to build good relationships with very serious organizations working for Kosovo that deal with animal protection for a long time. One of our most important partners, who guided us through professional steps and advice, is the Swiss-based StrayCoco Foundation; The LAV (Lego Anti-Vivisezione) organization in Trentino – and the ATB – Associazione Trentino con i Balcani, which encouraged us to create an organization like this.

We are grateful to our partners and friends who have supported and still support us – making our work easier!

Thank you!

Animal Rights Foundation.


Thousands of animals are suffering around the country and every one of them needs help.

Our mission is to contribute to the improvement of non-human animal welfare, focusing on the legislative aspects of their protection and the dignified promotion of their rights. Real change will only occur when mandated institutions, people and organisations take action for animals in a political, ethical and lawful approach – be it together or individually.

Move means an active and tangible shift from where we are today.










