Response to the statements of the veterinarian involved in the case of abuse of public funds

January 10, 2020 admin

Statements of the responsible vet in the scandalous case confirm abuse of public funds and unprofessionalism of contracted parties in regards to the CNVR project.

“It can’t be a failure, but a technical error, the possibility can’t be ruled out. The number verification has to be done because the number could’ve changed, it could very easily happen,” Safet Osmani, responsible veterinarian, told the Observer Newspaper.

The facts presented by our Foundation clearly show that we are not dealing with a technical error, but with conscious abuse of the ambulance in question.

“With stray dogs it is a problem because they are not home dogs” – Safet Osmani

This statement further highlights the abuse of tenders dedicated to treatment of stray dogs, because as seen from the veterinarian’s own reaction, the tender was won by professionally unprepared people to perform the service for which they were paid with public funds.

Our organization is awaiting a formal decision by the KFVA regarding this case, and any decision that does not include license revocation and the punishment defined by law for the abusers of public funds in this tender will be unacceptable to our organization.