Companion/stray animals

Companion/stray animals

We will work with institutions and other entities, so that proper humane and ethical dog and cat population management policies and practices will be adopted. These will improve the lives of thousands of dogs and cats.

As in many countries in the world, Kosovo is also one of the countries which has a relative high number of stray dogs and cats. Especially stray dogs, in undeveloped countries appear as a very serious problem. In fact, it is a problem in which we will continue to make a high priority. However, despite of that, the situation could also be managed very easily if Kosovo society and its institutions would put a more significant commitment and effort to resolve the stray dog and cat issue, either for the sake of the animals’ welfare, since they live in poor conditions on the streets and in the other hand for the people, to assure them a better health safety in public spaces and in open environments where also stray animals usually live. Anyhow, it is important to mention that till now, no statistics and analysis have reported any human death cause, due to stray animals’ diseases or infections.

We will contribute on educating people and authorities. We want them to understand the reasons that cause dog population problems in the communities. This will empower them to work out their own sustainable, evidence-led, welfare-based solutions. Such locally tailored solutions not only address the immediate problem, but also ensure that they prevent the problem from reoccurring in the future. We will mobilize individuals to take action. We want them to demand change and hold authorities to account in every local or national context where stray animals’ lives are threatened or where their welfare is compromised. Through these actions, we aim to achieve better lives for companion and stray animals in every context. We want to build a country where people respect and value animals in communities, act compassionately towards them and live harmoniously with them.