Animals in Farming

Animals in framing:

We will legally stand to transform the lives of the animals on the farm, by conducting inspections, criminal complaints and helping farmers change their work style.  Our work consists on a vegan approach to end all kind of animal farming and free every cage from misery, cruelty and unjust death.

Many farm conditions to keep livestock (farm animals) do not meet the proper and legal criteria on farm animals’ husbandry, in our country. The trading of livestock is not always based on legal procedures, which brings even to the outlawed slaughtering of cows, sheep and poultry. Poor animal welfare often has serious consequences for society; factory farming is damaging to the environment, biodiversity and public health. Our mission regarding this project field is to end factory and any other way of farming and advance the wellbeing of farm animals worldwide through advocacy, campaigning and engagement. We will aim on campaigning to drive improvements to the conditions in which farm animals are reared and try to close farming facilities violating animal rights laws and welfare.