Professional work of some veterinarians throughout the state project for castration and sterilization

May 23, 2020 admin

As soon as the project of managing and controlling stray dogs through the CNVR method began, our organization immediately started visiting the temporary treatment centers of the subjects contracted in this project.

Our organization, with maximum dedication, will ensure the progress of this project, requiring maximum professional dedication from veterinarians, so that through this project, the well-being of stray dogs is at the top.

So far, 37 visits have been made to contracted veterinary entities.

In these visits, our Organization has encountered extremely professional work, but has also encountered unprofessional work, caused mainly by the negligence of some contracted entities.

So far, after our findings, a veterinarian has been suspended from work (by the KFVA) due to unprofessional work.

However, not all veterinary subjects are doing unprofessional work. During our visits, we came across very professional veterinarians, dedicated to the max to doing their job as best as possible.

Most veterinarians are very open to cooperation, especially with our organization, being very open to criticism and suggestions for improving their work on this project. If we are all united in this project, then the results will be maximal.

Our organization calls on all entities contracted in this project for maximum professional and human commitment, always based on the law NR.2004 / 21 on Veterinary Medicine, law NR. 02 / L-10 on animal care, as well as the administrative instruction of MAFRD – NO.04 / 2017 on technical conditions which must be met by temporary treatment centers for stray dogs.

Our organization will do its utmost to properly report monitoring visits to contracted veterinary entities, whether those reports are good or not, always based on facts and applicable laws.

We very much hope that both AUVK and the contracted veterinary entities will continue to work seriously until the completion of this project, so that in the end the well-being of stray animals is significantly improved.