Professional training in Italy

May 27, 2019 admin

Animal Rights Foundation of Kosovo will be for three days in the headquarter of LAV – Lega Anti-Vivisezione (Anti-Vivisection League organization) in Rome and three other days in the local seat of LAV in Trento, for professional trainings/workshops with the responsible staff of LAV in the field of strategy building, fundraising, communication, school activity programme and with the legal office of LAV (for future law amendments in Kosovo).
These trainings aim to strengthen the work of ARF in Kosovo and to set the very first steps towards a strategic work plan of ARF in the fields of priority of ARF for this year: 2019.

LEGA ANTI Vivisezione works for animal rights and their protection for 40 years now; we are honored to have them as our scientific partners of ARF and that they were ready to assist ARF with their professional and technical advises so that animal protection becomes even more powerful in the Kosovar reality.

Associazione Trentino con i Balcani (Trentino con i Balcani Onlus), is also a very close partner of ARF and is the one organization based on Trento and Peja, making it possible for the two team members of ARF to be in Italy for the abovementioned trainings with the professional LAV responsible.

We thank LAV and ATB for their amazing work and for the trust they build with us to head towards a very complicated topic in Kosovo, which is animal rights and their dignified protection.