Policeman shoots a cow

July 16, 2019 admin

Here it is clearly shown that a sergeant (police force) with his firearm tried to target stray dogs (that without any evidence he had identified as dangerous) – but who ended up by shooting a cow instead, as reported by Kallxo.com.

According to the new Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo (https://gzk.rks-gov.net/ActDetail.aspx?ActID=2834), Article 346, any maltreatment towards animals is considered a criminal offense. Murdering attempts are also considered a criminal offense and here it has been shown openly that the police in question has a tendency to kill stray dogs without any hesitation.

Also, we are concerned about the fact that a police officer uses his gun to “solve” a problem that could be solved without having to shoot with a gun and kill someone, in this case the animals.

These non-professional and disturbing behaviors, are for sure considered criminal offenses and should be punished as soon as possible.

We expect from the PIK (Police Inspectorate of Kosovo) to make the right decision on the case and to give the deserved punishment to the police sergeant.


Polici qëllon lopën me armë zyrtare (FOTO)