Police duties in relation to animals

February 5, 2019 admin

The eventual dog attacks will be reduced if (also) the markets where animals are being traded will be monitored by the state, from uncontrolled and outlawed breeders and dog traders. And not only, FVAK needs to implement the owned dog registration as soon as possible!

When we notified the police and veterinary inspectors over ten times, about the ilegal trding and breeding of dogs, they were too lazy to come and do their work as provided by the law.

Police officers enter the market every time, but do not realize that the crime and the source of all stray dogs is right there, in those markets.

Below, we are showing some of the police tasks which are being ignored, despite our reports to them on illegal animal trading and breeding.

As for the municipal veterinary inspectors…they sleep and are busy with the “monitoring” of the flags next to all food items in Kosovar markets.

Perhaps you yourselves will understand what exactly is more of importance for our institutions; – the wellbeing of humans and animals, not at all!