Our new mission for animals in Kosovo

March 11, 2019 admin


An additional concrete hope for the animals of the new Republic of Kosovo.

We have been running an intensive two day event since our first field experience was made a year and a half ago thanks to our headquarters in Trentino, involved in projects supported and implemented by ATB-Trentino con i Balcani.

Now, in addition to what we will do for the training of local activists, schools, support for sterilization activities and stray dog ​​care, it is now in action, with the first meeting of the board of directors held at the Italian embassy in Pristina, Animal Rights Foundation led by Elza Ramadani.

A complex Muslim-majority country emerging from a fratricidal war, it is a country close to Albania and Serbia, where until recently dogs were legally killed on the streets by licensed and paid hunters, but now, within two months, the penal code will also come into force that will also sanction dog poisoning. Compared to our situation many years ago, when LAV was founded in 1977, here, they are going a long way. In these days we have disseminated our good practices, activities such as those taking place in Lampedusa and Palermo.

The municipality, the Government Veterinary Office, the Veterinary Faculty, the volunteers we met, in their offices and at a public event in Pristina, together with our volunteers Sara Carlin and Maria Luisa Bortoli, have praised our activities and our relationships with institutions that serve as role models for local activists.

It is a plant that we will help grow and bear good fruit for all animals in Kosovo. ”

Gianluca Felicetti and Simone Stefani



Additional comments and references:

ATB: https://www.trentinobalcani.eu
Prishtina Municipality
Kosovo Food and Veterinary Agency
Public event: https://web.facebook.com/fondacioniperkafshe/posts/2084800648263728?__tn__=K-R