New measures for the restriction of movement ignore the needs of companion animals

April 14, 2020 admin

New restrictions on movement (, in order to prevent the increase of the number of infected people with COVID-19, are more than necessary, but they have ignored the essential needs of the companion animals and their owners.

We sympathize with all the institutions and congratulate them for the work done in fighting this pandemic which is endangering everyone without distinction.

Although we understand that the measures set by the institutions are necessary and aimed at maintaining public health, these restrictions discriminate against the pet owners, and more importantly, minimize the needs of companion animals.

Our pets need to go out for their physiological and psychic needs, for their walks, although limited during this period. We cannot ignore the basic needs of animals; it is inhumane and negligent if we do not take into account the needs of other beings who coexist with us as family members.

Given these limitations and their impact on animal welfare, our organization has asked the responsible institutions to review the restriction of movement for pet owners and come up with new guidelines in order to meet the basic needs of the animals.