Livestock and poultry markets in Kosovo

January 7, 2019 admin

The food that mainly remains uncontrolled by our relevant institutions, is the food (or products) that derives from animals (meat, dairy, fat, etc.).

The Animal Rights Foundation has been regularly inspecting the so-called “car market/bazaar” (in ALB: tregu i veturave/pazari i kerreve) in Pristina – which is held every Sunday in Fushë Kosova, behind the ETC super-market.

The way and work conditions of the workers in that market are obviously unacceptable and very dangerous for their health (physical and mental). Some of these merchants are still minors and not at all protected in their workplace (although they are self-employed or dependent on their family business – health and safety conditions at work should be regulated by state policies nonetheless).

Witnessing every time, the miserable conditions of the merchants in that place, we can surely say that animals aren’t lucky either there! Kept badly, in unclean conditions, without any identification and registration mechanism for each of them, without veterinary control and without quality assurance and the “humane” way of slaughtering. This means, the ways of slaughtering is not being respected at all, as stipulated by law as well: stunning before slaughtering any of the animals that are dedicated for human consumption.

Pets, like dogs and cats – are protected by law and are guaranteed the right to live. Although this does not apply fully either!

But as we know, law implementation in Kosovo “vanishes” comfortably!

We have legal provisions for the:

– Protection of Workers at Work;
– Protection of minors from work and types of work that are dangerous for them;
– Protecting the animal welfare (pets, mammals, poultry, etc.)
– Control of animal breeding;
– Animal identification and registration;
– “Humane” slaughtering of animals;

However, for the implementation of these regulatory framework, Kosovo needs serious and professional institutions, that actually care!

Citizens need to understand that their food they consume, should be controlled and obtained from farmers and genuine markets, in which the clean working conditions and the welfare of farm animals are respected at the maximum possible – although with a short lifespan and dedicated for human consumption – they deserve a proper life!

In the last two visits we did, the Kosovo Police, the Inspectorate of the Municipality of Prishtina and the Food and Veterinary Agency of the Republic of Kosovo have silenced – it means, they have refused to deal with this issue – claiming, that it was Sunday, a day to “rest” for them. But in the other hand, the worst is that, even during working days, they do not re-issue/deal with our complaints of many violations made to animals and human beings in that market. Very disappointing, but not a reason for us to stop raising our voice for those who cannot!