Learn how to medically treat dogs!

January 2, 2019 admin

In Kosovo we have a perfect project running for a proper control of the stray dog population, applying the CNVR method (Catch, Neuter, Vaccinate, Release). The project is very useful and based on experiences in the past, such as in the Netherlands. It showed itself as very effective and successful towards the reduction of the dog population living in poor condition on the streets, but it works only IF APPLIED PROPERLY and based on the criteria required from the programme.

From end of May, in whole Kosovo the project was supposed to start – in some of the municipalities it started already – in some, as in Prizren – it only started recently.

The problem we want to address with this short writing has to deal with the unprofessional treatment of female dogs (bitches) from some of our veterinarians contracted for the current project.

Veterinarians, please do not catch pregnant bitches, they cannot be neutered while still producing milk! This professional you can be! The puppies need to grow with breast milk for at least 6 – 8 weeks. Then the other question would be, where do you leave the puppies of that specific mother dog? They would be too young to be sterilized with 2 months of life.

The project doesn’t include costs of fostering neither puppies nor dogs in general. Each dog that has been caught, after their sterilization and vaccinations – and kept for at least 72 hours (3 days) in the veterinarian clinic – in clean cages, with clean water and nutritive food – the dogs must be realized!

TREAT the female dogs better! It is an urgent matter and no dog must be taken for granted! They all deserve to be treated good! You have the money, the tools and good clinics! Just encourage more your of good will and professionalism!