Lack of cooperation from the veterinary entity “Goni” in Ferizaj

July 10, 2020 admin

Veterinary subject A.V. “Goni”, with the project leader, veterinarian Agron Pajaziti, contracted in the state project of managing the population of stray dogs through the CNVR (Catch, Neuter, Vaccinate, Release) method, is not being transparent and cooperative at all.

Although our organization is authorized to monitor the work on this project, this veterinary entity, for whatever reason, has tried to hinder our work, setting schedules and conditions of visits, which are not provided by the authorization we have from KFVA (Kosovo Food and Veterinary Agency).

One of these obstacles was setting a schedule for visits from them (every day, from 13:30 to 15:00). Although this schedule is not valid for our organization, in order not to make the work of veterinarians difficult, we still tried to respect it. However, this schedule has not been respected by the same veterinarians who initially set it. Even, according to them, this schedule is set specifically for the visions of the members of the Foundation and yet, it is not respected by A.V. Goni.

Another issue that casts doubt on the work of this veterinary entity is the total lack of transparency in the capture and release of dogs. Although we have asked many times to be invited to catch and release dogs, this has never happened. Many promises from this subject that will invite us to capture and release, but even this has never happened. The capture must be done humanely, without force and causing unnecessary distress to the dog. The release also must be done without harm, when dogs are well hospitalized and brought again in the exact place where they were caught. Changing the territory of the dogs, would cause problems to society and dogs themselves.

The veterinary team in Ferizaj does not allow us to enter the operating room, because veterinarians are being offended when we find them working, without sterile gloves or when the place where dogs are hospitalized is not very clean. KFVA has banned our entry into operating rooms even when veterinarians are not operating. Thus, we cannot see what equipment veterinarians use.

So how can we trust a veterinary subject, who puts obstacles and conditions in our work, which he then does not respect himself?

Dog wounds so far, we have not been able to see well, but what we have seen was fine. However, we call on the activists of Ferizaj to monitor the situation on the streets and to check every dog with a yellow earring and to notify us immediately if they see something wrong or doubtful.

We have received many complaints from citizens and activists of Ferizaj, about the presence of dogs with earrings in territories in which they have never been seen before.

If we add to this the fact that this veterinary entity does not cooperate with us regarding the catching and release, then this raises great doubts about the fair work of this entity in the procedure of CNVR.

We call on the KFVA to take more seriously our complaints to this veterinary entity, and to take appropriate measures so that every work process is carried out professionally and with full transparency.









© Animal Rights Foundation
Prishtina, July 10th, 2020