KFVA must manage the situation with stray dogs!

March 2, 2020 admin

While KFVA officials remain comfortable in their offices, our organization and many other activists are running left and right to calm and advise citizens when they deal with dog attacks or when dog packs are growing in their neighborhoods. These new packs are all untreated, meaning new births, constantly. This is by no means fair and correct. So we will gather all the strength we have, we will invite all the veterinarians so that the stray dog treatment does not stop!

The situation of stray dogs is back as it was before. The CNVR 2018 program (capture, neuter, vaccination, release) remains only a drop in the ocean from project non-continuation in 2019 and now in 2020.

We urge all municipalities to take emergency action regarding the treatment of stray dogs. The Municipality of Prishtina is in agreement with this proposal and will take action very soon. We expect other municipalities to join this initiative.

We will contact all Kosovo veterinarians qualified in the treatment of cnvr to assist in this alarming situation.

The KFVA cannot stand idly by. We simply have to sit down and cooperate, because this problem has a solution, but as long as there is no will and organization from anyone, it is impossible!

We appeal to the KFVA Chief Executive, Mr. Valdet Gjinovci, as a public official paid by citizens’ taxes, to take this issue seriously and strongly engage in resolving this problem that is constantly being ignored. Stray dog breeding makes their life difficult, often being abused by humans, which then poses a risk to public health and safety as well.