Irregularities in the CNVR project

January 24, 2019 admin

We as a NGO aiming to protect animal rights per se – legally (which for Kosovo, this category, of protecting animals purely in the legal aspects is very new and hard to understand – as we noticed from some comments and reaction from people and so called virtual/facebook activists), not by rescuing or providing medical treatment to them (which other NGOs do the great job).

We have asked the Food and Veterinary Agency of Kosovo, since three months to share with us the data of all dogs treated within this year, as the Agency claims: 14.000 stray dogs. They do not want us TO SEE what the data includes, they know a lot of irregularities are there, but anyhow, they paid all vets for their job, regardless of the fact that some of the vets did a very dishonest work. Here we have some irregularities which we discovered even without the data from the Food and Veterinary Agency:

We have found irregularities in Peja, from the team leaders DVM Taulant Kastrati, DVM Turhan Nila.

In Klina, the veterinarians operated the dogs in not sterile condition and who operated in an open field with minimum of equipment for a proper surgery.

In Pristina, from the team leader DVM Kreshnik Vejsa the same dog was twice caught and “treated”. In Podujevo region, the temporary “foster” was in terrible conditions. In the region of Drenas, DVM Elbasan Ibriqi, kept the dogs for a long time in small cages and did not provide the poor dogs with clean water.

In the Ferizaj region, the team leader DVM Agron Pajaziti, who kept the dogs in dirty boxes and put all sick and healthy dogs together.

Dragash region: the vets doing whatever they wanted with dogs, without any control from the Agency – with our pressure and reporting, they improved a bit their working condition.

And many more things like these…which will soon be published!

Together with the lawsuit against the Agency for not sharing the public data to us!