Illegal keeping of sheep

August 11, 2019 admin

Just like every year, again the sheep are being unfairly held in the illegal markets, all over, to wait for the slaughter on the occasion of Eid al-Adha. Keeping these sheep in these illegal markets, at very high temperatures, exposed to the sun, without water and with no space to move, in their feces – violates animal rights, legal provisions that foresee trade and slaughter of animals, and most of all it is cruel.

Although their destination is slaughter, which for years has been done in these markets endangering public health, these animals deserve dignified treatment throughout their lives, as well as deaths / slaughter as required by Kosovo legislation in force.
These animals (at least) deserve access to potable water, adequate space, food, and dignified death. Although we urge them not to be killed at all and that every holiday be celebrated without the death of any creature.

We urge the Food and Veterinary Agency of Kosovo, as well as the Inspectorate of the respective Municipalities, to carry out their duties under the legal provisions and not to allow such atrocities.