Help community animals overcome the crisis of COVID-19 pandemic

April 16, 2020 admin


While the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing millions of people to isolate at home, another category of the community has been hit hard by these measures: stray animals.

Although even for companion dogs there is no freedom of movement to meet their basic needs, on the other hand, thousands of stray animals, in the absence of food, are suffering greatly. Unless a solution is found for them by the relevant institutions, there will be many dead dogs and cats on the streets because of hunger.

The massive closure of restaurants has largely deprived stray animals of their leftover food, which ended up in trash cans.

For many of these animals, the current restrictions, without planning any measures for them, means suffering and death.

In the absence of food, many stray animals will roam in more remote areas than they are accustomed to, in search of food.

Also, the aggressiveness of stray animals among themselves may increase in the absence of food, as they fight with each other for survival. We must not forget the various diseases that can be caused by poor nutrition, which in addition to causing suffering to animals, further endangers public health.

While it is the duty of the Municipalities to feed this category which is a part of our community, apart from the Municipality of Prishtina (partially), no other municipality has so far taken any action to feed these animals.

Since so far there is no official decision from the relevant institutions to deal with this very serious problem, just like every other time, the fate of these innocent creatures remains in the hands of good willed people, who, with their own strengths (often even beyond them), make sure to feed as many stray animals as possible.

Unfortunately, just a few heartfelt activists are not enough to alleviate this problem. Therefore, any citizen can help, even with just a piece of bread or a little water. Let’s not forget: Even just one bite for an animal can be the difference between life or death.

Store food waste (which does not contain harmful ingredients for animals: spicy spices, garlic, onions, almonds, chocolate, milk, cheese, cakes) and leave them on the ground or in any container (be careful: do not leave plastic bags on the ground in order to protect the environment from pollution. Put food in a clean and safe place, but without harming the environment).
Be sure to place the food for stray cats somewhere higher, so that stray dogs do not have access to food and endanger their cats and kittens on the road.

Almost always, most of us are left with excess food at home which ends up in the trash. You will not lose anything if you save this food for stray animals.