Good work of veterinarians

June 30, 2020 admin

As you know, in April of this year, the state project for the management of stray dogs through the CNVR method has started, which will last 1 year.

During the dozens of visits that our organization has made so far as a monitoring entity, we have encountered both disturbing and not good work by some veterinary entities, but fortunately, so far, poor work has been observed at a small number of veterinarians. Of the 29 contracted veterinary entities, only 7 were reported with urgent remarks, which had to be responded to immediately by the KFVA. In all cases, the Director of the Animal Welfare Directorate, Mr. S. Heta, within the FVA and their Chief Executive, Mr. Gjinovci, have been shown to be responsible and humane for handling suspicious or abusive cases at a small number of veterinary entities, which were reported by us, with the exception of the work of veterinarians in Prizren (so far). Although in some cases we have had to be more insistent on convincing AUVK of our findings, – the latest results so far have been successful and hope for even better work in terms of professional and humane treatment of dogs during the state project of management and control of the reproduction of stray dogs, managed by KVFA.

At many veterinarians, we have seen a very good job. The good and professional work of some veterinarians and their dedication to this project should be taken as an example by all veterinarians involved in this project.

In our visits to contracted veterinary entities, we have generally observed very good work.

Post-operative wounds, dog conditions during their stay in these centers, during our visits, have been quite satisfactory. In some cases, we needed to discuss small remarks with veterinarians at their centers, but most veterinarians were already planning to make their centers even better over the next few years. This remains to be seen and we will definitely stand by those who work morally and respect the dignity of the dogs they treat and we will definitely react with our objections, if the work of any veterinary subject does not go well – reporting to Ethical Commission of the Veterinary Chamber in Kosovo and KFVA. For criminal and abusive cases, the address is the competent authorities.

The veterinarians mentioned below have always been cooperative and constructive during our visits to these centers.

A.V. “Veterina 1” (DMV Shefki Ajdini), A.V. “Uran Rexhepi B.I.” (DMV Uran Rexhepi), A.V “Drenas” (DMV Elbasan Ibriqi), A.V “Fauna” në Podujevë (Nazmi Lahu) & A.V. “Albatriti” (Albatrit Halili) në Podujevë, A.V. Zenel Zhabari, A.V. “Mitro-Vet”, A.V. Qerim Basholli, A.V. As-Vet (DVM Florik Haxhikadrija), A.V. Veterina (DVM Haki Bytyci), A.V. Era (DVM Driton Morina), A.V. Theranda Vets (DVM Kreshnik Rugova), A.V. Diagnoza (DVM Valon Sherifi), A.V. Pro Vet (DVM Blendi Bejdoni), A.V. Bujar Mustafa, A.V. Enkeli Med Vet (DVM Avni Robaj), A.V. KaoniVet (DVM Granit Tafa).

What was generally lacking in this project was the documentation (photographing) of the capture of dogs and their release after surgery and hospitalization. We have constantly complained to the FVA about this, because the real and successful transparency of this project will be confirmed, only if all the steps of work in this project are documented by veterinarians.

We are very happy that AUVK has requested since last week that the capture and release be documented.

We thank all the veterinarians engaged in this project who are 100% dedicated to their work in this project and that the well-being of each dog in their centers is a priority.

We understand that this is not an easy project at all, and mistakes and complications can occur during the work, but 100% responsibility at work and dedication are necessary, and fortunately, so far, this dedication is not lacking in many veterinarians.








© Animal Rights Foundation
Prishtina, June 30th, 2020