Exchanging experiences and building cooperative relationships

August 23, 2018 admin

Exchanging experiences and building cooperative relationships between the Animal Rights Foundation in Kosovo (briefly ARF) and the Foundation for Animal Rights in Switzerland: Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR):
https: //www.tierimrecht.org/

One of the founders of the Animal Rights Foundation Kosovo conducted a study visit, on August 20th, 2018 in “TIR”, Zürich.

On the first day Mrs. Wormser, the director of the Swiss StrayCoco Foundation (which funded this visit), for stray dogs in Kosovo (https://www.straycoco.com), has been part of the TIR morning presentation.

Mrs. Vanessa Gerritsen, as deputy director of the TIR, has informed the guests about the situation and the protection of animals by law, in Switzerland. In the coming days Mrs. Elza Ramadani, founder of the ARF, received the best suggestions and references from the Animal Protection Legislation in Switzerland in order to replicate or imitate some of those legal provisions and practices, in Kosovo as well.

This visit is the beginning of a genuine professional cooperation.

We thank TIR for having us and their readiness for cooperation! Also, Mrs. Helen Wormser for organizing this great opportunity for ARF!