Ethics Commission of the veterinary profession is not doing its job

September 29, 2020 admin

On June 26, 2020, the Kosovo Veterinary Chamber established the Ethics Commission of the veterinary profession, consisting of 5 members: Driton Zeqri (KOVK), Chairman, and four members Hyzri Ymeri (KVC), Dardan Pozhegu (KVC, KSAVA), Driton Çaushi (FAV) and Bafti Murati (KFVA).

The decision to establish this commission came after our reports of unprofessional work by some veterinarians contracted in the state project of CNVR. Some of these veterinarians have had their work suspended by the KFVA, but only temporarily.

One month after the establishment of this commission, even after many promises, still no visits have been made to the veterinarians suspected of bad work. This is not at all serious and professional. We, as an organization, are not allowed to enter surgery rooms, and this commission was created exactly for this purpose, to monitor and assist in operations, and to see the real work of veterinarians. But so far, nothing has been done in this regard, and this to us is an unreasonable negligence.

Was this commission set up just to silence our organization and animal activists about the unprofessional work being done with stray dogs? Either way, we will not stop and continue to fight against unprofessional animal treatments by veterinarians.

The veterinarians who had their work suspended have resumed their engagement in the state project, but the Ethics Commission has not reviewed the alleged training provided by these veterinarians, which was the condition to resume work. How can a veterinarian be allowed to resume work after suspension without confirming that he/she has actually completed proper training and his/her work has improved so well that he/she is allowed to treat the dog again with our taxes?

Let’s not forget, for each dog treated, veterinarians are paid 74 Euros. But the conditions are very clear: Professional sterilization, professional work tools, good dog food, clean spaces, and release of dogs to the same place where they were caught. Any other work that does not comply with these conditions, is just a waste of taxpayers’ money and worst of all, dogs’ lives are in danger by being treated by veterinarians who initially committed serious violations.



© Animal Rights Foundation

Prishtina, August 07, 2020