Dog killing in Prishtina city park

August 6, 2020 admin

Some of the citizens are deliberately poisoning the dogs in the city park in Prishtina.
For days now, animal welfare activists have raised concerns about the deliberate poisoning of dogs in the city park.

So far, 3 dogs have been poisoned (one of them a family pet) and have died.

Abuse and killing of dogs is a punishable act with a fine and imprisonment according to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo.

A person who knowingly kills animals in the streets should be deprived of his/her liberty immediately, according to the laws in Kosovo. A person who is able to take such actions is dangerous not only to animals but also to humans.

These actions, in addition to being cruel and criminal, do not solve the problem with the large number of stray dogs in Kosovo. In fact, actions like these only make matters worse.

We, as an organization, call on everyone to be vigilant and to identify the individuals who commit this crime so we can take all legal measures so that these people who have committed these crimes, are accountable in front of the law. Without the help of activists to gather facts, nothing can be done and the brutal killings could continue.

We ask all activists who have more information about these cases to contact us.

We also urge pet owners to be very careful when walking dogs in the city.

© Fondacioni për të Drejtat e Kafshëve
Prishtina, 06 August, 2020