Do not intervene in animals for aesthetic reasons!

December 26, 2018 admin

We have seen many cases when dog’s ears and tail are cut. Some do this for aesthetic reasons, and some believe in the myth that this makes dogs more aggressive. In both cases, this is a cruel act and mutilates the dog, because it removes the limbs it is born with.

These acts are direct abuse with the animals and is prohibited by law: Law no. 02 / L-10, for Animal Care, Chapter III, Article 7.1:

7.1. Surgical operations in order to modify the appearance of the animal through which a part of the body of the animal is removed or damaged, is prohibited, except for the purpose of healing.

Ear cropping and tail docking are not medically indicated nor of benefit to the patient; they are also legally prohibited. Such procedures are allowed only if the veterinarian considers that such is thing is necessary for the dog’s health.

Dogs use their tails and ears to communicate with each other. Removing and / or cutting the ears and tail prevent intraspecific communication and mutilate them.

We urge everyone to stop these barbaric acts. We urge veterinarians not to accept requests from dog owners to carry out such operations. This, in addition to bearing legal consequences, also violates animals’ rights.