Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo foresees penalties for animal abusers

May 1, 2020 admin

Actions such as in the video below, should be punished immediately in accordance with the law.

Our team is looking at the possibilities to present the case to the police or the Basic Prosecution in Prizren (according to unconfirmed information, the abuser is in Prizren). Anyone with additional information on this case can share it with us. Any information will be treated with confidentiality.

Such persons, who abuse animals in this way, should be deprived of the possibility of keeping animals and receive the punishment they deserve.

We call on the law enforcement agencies to start the procedures for this cruel act as soon as possible after our case is presented.
We call on all citizens and activists not to remain silent about such abuses, as well as to provide information about such abusers in order to receive the punishment they deserve under applicable law.

According to Article 346 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo, Points 1 and 2:

  • Whoever mistreats an animal or engages in any sexual act with an animal for sexual purposes shall be punished with a fine or with imprisonment of up to six (6) months.
  • For the purposes of this article:
    2.1. “Mistreatment” means the action or inaction with which an animal is subjected to severe suffering, pain, or distress, which in the degree and circumstances in which it occurs are excessive and unnecessary.


E tmerrshme..

Një kosovar këto ditë ka bërë një gjest të pa tolerueshëm ndaj qenit të tij.Prizrenas e ka bërë një gjest që s’mund të arsyetohet për një njeri normal.Pa fije turpi e pa dozë ndjenjash, ai shihet duke e rrahur dhunshëm qenin e tij. Sakaq, pas dosa goditjeve, e përplas qenin për toke.

Publiée par Qent me te bukur sur Mercredi 29 avril 2020