Collaboration with LAV

August 1, 2019 admin

Thanks to the association Trentino with the Balkans (Trentino con i Balcani Onlus), which in Kosovo has been working for years with some projects of international development cooperation, the LAV (Lega antiviviszione) of Trentino, in close relationship with their national headquarters in Rome, has started a collaboration with the Animal Rights Foundation in Kosovo, which is recently established and deals with raising awareness about stray dogs and intervening with proposals in the regulatory field proposing corrections to the animal welfare legislation by introducing a ban on animal mistreatment and experimentation, the use of animals in circuses and the obligation to registration of pets.

“We try to raise awareness on these issues – says Elza Ramadani of the Foundation – also by publicly protesting and file legal charges whenever we see the need. The current law, although good, is quite weak in many respects “.