CNVR project in Peja needs extra monitoring!

August 15, 2018 admin

We are posting a dog, tagged one (meaning, treated by the CNVR programme in Peja), which was taken from the workers / catchers of one of the Group Leaders in Peja.

One of our colleagues in Peja has witnessed the capture of five dogs, two of them neutered and one of them in the picture. They announced the case immediately to us! When we went to visit the rehabilitation shelters in Peja (the place where dogs need to be kept after being sterilized for at least 72 hours). We neither saw, nor found any dog there. This means there is another place as a shelter, for which we are not aware of!?

When we asked one of the veterinarians, he claimed he did not know anything about this! After we reported this information to the Food and Veterinary Agency, 4 dogs were released again, to the point where they were taken, near Karagac Park – one of which was castrated but now has no tag anymore! In conclusion:

  1. Some people in Peja, who work as "catchers", have no limit and criteria for and how to catch dogs. There is no supervision in this regard and everyone can behave as he/she likes.
  2. Catching tagged dogs is not a new practice, it is something that all animal welfare NGOs have asked beforehand and wanted due to that, be part of the monitoring, along with relevant institutions.
  3. If citizens’ taxes are to be spent, they should be spent appropriately and not for personal benefits, such as receiving or reporting twice or three times, for the same dog(s)!
  4. Another tagged dog is still missing! Where is he?

We are still investigating these practices, which are quite suspicious!
We seek transparency and professionalism from all actors involved in this project!