Veterinary clinic “Pharmacon Vet” in Vushtrri has abused with public funds

January 3, 2020 admin

Veterinary clinic “Pharmacon Vet” in Vushtrri/Vucitrn has ABUSED WITH PUBLIC FUNDS by doing either an unprofessional, or malicious and fraudulent work.

This dog (pictured below), who was reported as neutered by the “Pharmacon Vet” clinic in Vushtrri, with identification number 930, these days, under the surveillance of one of our organisation members, was reported to have given birth to her puppies. How could this have happened if the bitch has been reported as neutered?

Our organisation has taken care of the dog and is here with us now, but this case WILL NOT CLOSE HERE. The case of fraud or highly unprofessional work has been reported to the Food and Veterinary Agency, but nothing has been undertaken by them so far (at least no response has been received).
Under the 2018 state-wide project of stray dog ​​castration/sterilization and vaccination – a project that was managed by the Food and Veterinary Agency – was tasked with treating stray dogs, doing the castration, sterilization (neutering), vaccination and release of stray dogs, again on the streets. Castration and sterilization prevent many dogs from breeding on the street, and this is why a large number of veterinarians in Kosovo were contracted in that time. For Vushtrri, also Pharmacon Vet, with team leader DVM Fevzi Gerxhaliu was contracted.

For each dog treated, contracted veterinarians received 75 euros. Apparently, Pharmacon VET veterinarians with their team leader, DVM Fevzi Gerxhaliu, – either deliberately cheated and dropped the untreated dog on the streets or they did an unprofessional job with total negligence. It is impossible to understand how this vet clinic still practices veterinary work with such veterinarians. For the two methods of work mentioned above, the punitive consequences and withdrawal of the veterinary license of the veterinarians involved in this case must come.

The control / monitoring of the work done on these projects is the responsibility of the veterinarian as the team leader and also of the Veterinary Agency (KFVA) officials. From the KFVA, we ask Mr. Nol Kabashi, back then project manager, to give us an account of this very serious omission.
We request from Mr. VALDET GJINOVCI, Chief Executive Officer of KFVA, a prompt response.

Here, we have well-founded suspicions of the misuse of public money of Kosovo citizens and this crime is not to be ignored.

The attorneys of our organisation are considering this situation and we will definitely act quickly on the legislation in force on animal welfare and public money fraud.

1. List of contracted veterinarians during 2018;
2. Reporting list of the contracted entity “Pharmacon Vet” – where it is noted that they have reported the dog number 930 as treated (neutered);
3. Reported photo of the female dog, allegedly sterilised.
4. The last two pictures of the female dog with her puppies.