The truth about the incident of the attack on the 9-year old girl

July 31, 2020 admin

Our organization has received the correct news from KVFA (Kosovo Veterinary and Food Agency), of the incident that happened to the 9-year-old girl (got attacked by a dog heavily).

The attack did not happen from stray dogs, but from a family dog (companion dog), of the Malinois breed, which was not close to its holder, but roamed on the streets without his keeper.

It is very likely that irresponsible owners have left his/her dog to run free, who might be badly educated by their owners.

It is disturbing the rush of the media and society to point the finger at stray dogs, whenever there are such situations, without being well informed.

The fact that this attack occurred by the owner dog and not by stray dogs, does not make the situation less serious, and for this reason, for many years now we call for the registration of dogs with owners, to identify more dogs easily for whatever reason. Unregistered dogs also bring about the well-known phenomenon in Kosovo, of abandonment and increase in the number of stray dogs.

Stray dogs are themselves victims because of human abuse and abandonment and the lack of will of the state to protect these creatures and enable them to have a dignified life.

As long as people are not required to register their companion animals, and then be held accountable before the law for abandonment, abuse, etc., the number of stray dogs will consistently be large.

CNVR projects (catch, neuter/spay, vaccinate, release) alone will never produce any long-term effect in reducing the number of stray dogs, without additional programs such as registration, awareness and prevention of misuse of public money by veterinarians or actors involved in projects affecting stray animals.

Pamje të rënda: Plagët e 9-vjeçares që u kafshua nga qentë endacakë në Prishtinë


Qentë endacak sulmojnë 9 vjeçaren në Prishtinë



Qentë endacak sulmojnë 9 vjeçaren në Prishtinë


9-vjeçarja mbrëmë u kafshua nga qentë endacakë, reagon Shpend Ahmeti






© Animal Rights Foundation
Prishtina, July 31st, 2020